Message from Incoming President Megan Zusy

August 31st, 2017

Hello everyone!  My name is Megan Zusy, I wanted to introduce you myself. I am so excited to be your current president of WSNA. I am currently a senior at Concordia University and I hope, God willing, will graduate in May of 2018. Last year I was the executive president of WSNA and helped to put on and run our annual convention. It was a great success and wonderful experience!  I am looking forward to what this year has in store for us all!

I hope you all enjoyed your summer. I had a wonderful summer, lots of traveling and enjoying the time off before starting school again. I hope that you are all well rested and excited to continue your education and pursuit of becoming a registered nurse. I know that I am for sure! I am so excited about this school year and what it is going to come! There are so many new and exciting things happening this year. 

Our annual college of chapter board event is changing a bit. This year it will be held at UW Oshkosh for an over night board bonding experience. We want this to be a fun and exciting event! That will be on October 13th-14th. We have many fun things planned and we are excited for all of you to come and attend! Our goals this year is to increase the number of schools that attend so it benefits everyone more! This is such a great opportunity of networking with other schools, we highly encourage you to come. Every year we hear what a great resources this was and the number of ideas that were brought home to schools. Our goals is to make each school nursing association as efficient and well run as possible and by talking with other schools and bouncing ideas off of one another it has proven in the past to be a great success. I hope to see you all there and am looking forward to meeting everyone!  

Please know that I want to help each and every one of you achieve your dreams and if there is anything I can do, do not hesitate to contact me. I am reachable through our WSNA email at