Current Board
WSNA’s Board of Directors is made up of nursing students from nursing schools throughout Wisconsin. Elections are held at the annual convention in February. Term of office for all positions is one year. WSNA is made up of 5 officers, 9 directors, and 3 consultants who provide guidance to the organization. WSNA also appoint one or more parliamentarian each year.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Kate Elliott
WSNA President
Lauryn Nachreiner
Legislative Vice President
Nathan Kujawa
Executive Vice President
Maria Miller
WSNA Secretary
Emma Antlfinger
WSNA Treasurer
Maggie Zuehlke
Nominations Director
Allison Cisco
STAT Editor
Brigit Burkett
Projects Director
Tierney Herman
BTN Director
AshLee Gierach
Communications Coordinator
Elizabeth Zarling
Southern Regional Director
Lindsey Krachey
Western Regional Director
Emily Olson
Northern Regional Director
Bailey Krimmer
Eastern Regional Director
Sarah Peterson
Aimee Phillip
Elected Consultant
Nancy Noble
WLN Consultant
Emillie Krielkamp
WNA Consultant
Courtney Hirsch
Executive Cabinet
Mara Keikhoefer
Executive Cabinet