76th Annual Convention Speakers

Amanda V. Peterson is a practicing Pulmonary/Critical Care Nurse Practitioner with 16 years of critical care nursing experience at United Hospital in Saint Paul, MN. She spent 2 years as a COVID ICU nurse from March of 2020 to February of 2021, and again from September of 2021 to February of 2022. Her award-winning book, Everybody Just Breathe: A COVID Nurse Memoir of Stamina and Swear Words, documents her account of that period in nursing history. She graduated with her Acute Care NP from Winona State University in 2022, and with her BSN from the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire in 2006. She was the commencement speaker at both graduations because she loves microphones. She lives in Hudson, WI with her husband Collin, her two silly children, and her two sillier bulldogs.

Breakout Session Speakers

Carla Foley, MSN, FNP-C, APNP, RN

Presentation Title: The Transformative Benefits of Studying Abroad for Nursing Students

Susan Wagener

Presentation Title: Defending Your Professional License

Mary Cooper DNP, MSN, RN Education coordinator & Nicole Mcbride RN, BSN Clinical Nurse Educator

Presentation Title: Empowering the Future of New Nurses: Nurse Residency and Mentoring

Heather Kopesky Lm, CPM & Katie Duncan RN, BSN, Lm, CPM

Presentation Title: The Rise in Midwifery Care

Stephanie Peterson Rn, BSN, CCRN, C-NPT

Presentation Title: Nursing Beyond Hospital Walls: A Day in the Life of a Critical Care

(Presenting with Kim Greunke)

Kim Greunke RN, MSN, CCRN, CFRN

Presentation Title: Nursing Beyond Hospital Walls: A Day in the Life of a Critical Care

(Presenting with Stephanie Peterson)

Susie Kanack

Presentation Title: Universal Precautions: Understanding Trauma for Better Care, Every Patient, Every Time

Becca Kahl

Presentation Title: Hospice Nursing: So much more than holding hands!

Michelle Cooper

Presentation Title: Psychiatric Nursing: Communication Keys and Illness/Medication Education

Tamara “TAM” Kempken & Ellie Stephens

Presentation Title: Clinical Research in Nursing

Jen Paquette

Presentation Title: PACU Nursing

Brittany DiMaggio

Presentation Title: Nursing Leadership

APRN Panelists

Dr. ANN Madden, DNP, CRNA

Certified Register Nurse Anesthetist

Amanda Blackthorn

Urology NP

Jonathan Williams

Psychiatry NP