

WSNA Print Advertising

WSNA offers several ways for you to advertise with us.  Please take a moment to look over the options, and choose what works best for you.  Once you choose ADD TO CART, you will be prompted to fill out the registration form. 

Scanner-ready advertisements then must be sent to in electronic form, .jpeg or .pdf are the preferred formats. Payment must be received prior to publishing any advertisement.

Advertising may be submitted in color or black and white. WSNA is unable to return any advertising that is mailed to us.  If you have questions, or would like to speak to a Board member, please fill out the form on the Contact page.

Deadline for Ads is March 1, 2024.


WSNA STAT Newsletter Pricing: 

Full page: $175.00 = 7.5" x 10"

Half page:    $125.00 = 5" x 7.5"

Third page:  $100.00 = 3.3" x 7.5"